Launched !!!

IMG_2736I’m playing catch-up here as I have spent so much time with the new boat that I have fallen behind with the postings.   As seen above the Medway Skiff has been launched and I am tickled pink.  It rows well, it looks good and it is finished!

IMG_2728This was the scene a few days ago as I waited for my friend Craig to help me manoeuvre  the Skiff through the basement and up the stairs to daylight.  It had taken forever for the interior paint to dry enough to add a second coat. I had inserted a bow fitting, added the oarlocks and placed two cleats on the aft deck. I had been a little worried about the turns but the process went very smoothly. Actually the Medway is only three feet longer than last year’s Greenshank and it weighs less as the latter was built of 3/8 inch ply rather than 1/4.

IMG_2730The next part of the trip was to the Charlottetown Yacht Club using a new utility trailer. I will have to build a cradle for better positioning the boat on the trailer but couldn’t wait.  The second set of wheels is a launch dolly to carry the boat to the launch floats. It slid beautifully into the water. However the event was carried out without ceremony  and no champagne was splashed across the bows.  I immediately set out for a 1/2 hour row along the waterfront. As the only boat in the water I was free from the danger of wakes. Over the next couple of ways I experienced the craft in a number of different wave conditions and took a number of photos.








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